Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Principles of Management_Discussion 8

Principles of Management_Discussion 8

Q 1. What have you learned in this course that supports the myth that you are assigned to?

Q 2. What have you learned in this course that supports the counter point of the myth (as Horstman explains is the “correct” way to view the myth) that you are assigned to? 3. In the video, Horstman notes that there are “two things that matter”. What are some of the managerial skills that you would apply from the text that help to achieve “Results” as defined by Horstman?

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The course taught us to provide equal treatment to everyone. We should remain alert towards stereotyping, subconscious biases etc. Diversity must be embraced in the place of work. The video points out that treatment should not same towards individuals with low performance and individuals performing well as this will be unfair. It is needed for management to provide fair treatment to the employees. General guidelines must be followed by everyone that must be formulated by the management.